Use this quick way of preparing dinner when you don’t have the time, or just have leftovers that you would like to use up in a new way that is tasty and delicious. There are literally hundreds of combinations you can prepare. Once you master basics, you can go wild with your own imagination and bring out your inner chef!

Make your choices and set them aside before beginning to cook:
1 pound of cooked pasta; your choice. Cook your pasta a/ dente, and rinse it under cold water to stop the cooking process. Coat the cooled pasta lightly with olive oil and set aside. You can keep it in a plastic container or bag for up to 5 days in the refrigerator.
You favorite sauce (meat or marinara) or oil, onion and garlic sauce (I use 1 cup olive oil, 1/2 diced onion, 1 tablespoon minced garlic. Cook in small frypan over medium high heat until onion is lightly golden. Remove from heat and set aside.
Any of your favorites work well. Blanch them if they are raw (other than leaf types, like baby spinach, use as they are if frozen, or if not overcooked, leftovers. Sliced fresh mushrooms are great.
Any cooked leftover meat is great. Cube into small pieces or strips. Leftover chicken, sausage, steak or roast works well. You can also use shrimp, just don’t overcook or it will get rubbery.
I always use imported pecorino romano for its sharp taste and tangy flavor.
In a hot frypan over high heat, start with your meat and sauce. Fry quickly and flip pan until you think your meat is at least halfway heated through. Add pasta and flip again to blend all ingredients. Add the vegetables and allow time for them to heat a little, or wilt a little, then flip pan again to mix all. Top with a generous amount of cheese, give it another 20-30 seconds and pour into serving dish, or individual plate. This whole process will take about 3-5 minutes. Dinner is served!